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Showing posts from June, 2018

SHS SERIES: What’s like to be a Grade 11 in FEU-NRMF (Philippines)

SHS SERIES: What’s like to be a Grade 11 in FEU-NRMF (Philippines) Part 1 (First Semester) Summer of 2016 was nerve wrecking for me. Since I was part of the first batch of Grade 11 (Eleven) Enrollees. I did not have access to resources which can inform me of what I was getting myself into. I remembered searching every day. And I would end up in the same websites with nothing but uncertainty. I gained nothing but a memory of the subjects for Senior High School curriculum. I failed to determine how difficult the subject was. I failed to see what lies beyond those curriculums. Because there was no article, no testimonials. Two months of waiting felt like forever. Hence, I decided to finally post a blog. I may seem a bit too late. Since the second batch of Grade 11 students already finished their school year. And I was already through with Twelfth Grade which would be another story. Yet I failed to find blog entries of my batch mates and the incoming batch. All I see was complai